Clan names are very important names Africans, most specifically South Africans use to express, identify and show their identity as well as culture to the world. Clan names such as the izithakazelo zakwa nkosi, are an integral and very special aspect of the identity of the clans. But there are times when people do not know much about their Nkosi clan names and want to learn more about them, for such people, we have compiled some of the very prominent and important Nkosi dlamini clan names, that would ensure they learn more their history, their identity and more. This list of Nkosi clan names is not limited to South Africans or Africans alone, but for everyone who truly wants to learn something new and unique and is intrigued by the interesting nature of the culture of South Africans and Africans in general.
Nkosi Clan Names
Nkosi Clan Names Swati
- Wena logayidii imvu lemnyama
- Wesaba emafinyila nemcondvo
- Mamba leluhlata levuka etihosheni telubhalule
- Mlangeni longanatsi emanti
- Unatsa ingati yemadvodza
- Hlubi wakucala
- Gwalagwala
- Shumi lekutsenga
- Awucedvwa nkhosi
- Dlamini Nkhosi
- Wena wekunene
- Wena Weluhlanga Lwakangwane
- Hlubi lomuhle umlangeni
- Sidlubuladlede Skalobamba
- Lesitsi sibadla sibe sibadlubulisa
- Vuso leladla umuntfu asesiwini
- Watsi longephandle wasindza ngekutibalekela
- Mahlala elukhandzeni lwenyatsi
- Wentela benyatsini khona batekubalekela
- Mangewangu
- Samuketi sinembovu kumalangeni
- Mangewangu
- Samuketi sinembovu kumalangeni
- Wena Lowabophela lokuhle emfutini
- Watsi mfati ubotala
- Sidvwasbasilutfuli
- Singaba ncwaba seta nemlandzakati
- Gwalagwala lelihle lemakhosi
- Nyatsi lemphondvo timakhenkhenene
- Yadla umuntfu kwanga bamhlabe ngelihloka
Izithakazelo Zakwa Nkosi
- Nina bakwaLanga libomvu, elashis'amabel'ezikhuthali
- Wena owaphath'induk'emnyama washay'amanzi, kwavel'udaka
- Nkonjane yenkosi Mpangazitha!
- Mabuya sezembethe'ugogwane
- Mlotshw’akangakanani, ngoba nasentendeni yesandl'uyahlala
- Ndlangamandla
- Gumede Mphazima, Mntungwa
- Mawandla kaNdlela
- Nina baseMandlovini
- Mlotshwa, Siwela
- Mphazima kaLanga
- Nina bakwaLanga libomvu, elashis'amabel'ezikhuthali
The above and many more are some of Nkosi clan names you should be aware of, there are different categories/groups of Nkosi clan names as you can see them above, they are Nkosi Clan Names Swati and the Izithakazelo Zakwa Nkosi. Please do share these nkosi clan names with your family and friends that need to learn more.